The newspaper I designed is for people between their teen ages and adults. I am going to grab their attention and make them interested in what’s happening in the world today by using design. I colour coded the sections, having each topic in a separate colour, for example a section would be just about news, another section would be just about sports and the other would be just for business. The news section is red while the sport section is pink. So that each topic will have its own colour grouping. There will be a design template, which will be used for all the sections, on each new section the section page will have the name of the section in its colour and have the other sections placed on the top right of the page, for people who want to switch sections. I am going to emphasize on the text by using colour, and playing with the typeface properties, such as having titles bold, while other is regular. I will have sliders coming down from the section index which will be found on the top right of the page with a coloured background for important topics. There may be a lot of important topics therefore on each spread, the important topics would be different so that if someone was on the news section and saw something from the header he would know what to read next. The layout has a very solid grid, and sans serif typeface. The fonts are either be Helvetica or captain america typeface. My newspaper is a 36x29 cm wide, as younger readers wouldn’t like to have their arms spread, some of them wont feel comfortable. Smaller size newspaper is better as it is more effective and easier to carry around. My newspaper is divided into four rows to make it reader friendly and won’t caue any difficulties in reading even when the newspaper is folded, although normal newspapers are just folded once, sometimes newspapers would be folded twice leaving four different sections. One of my aims is to make the newspaper legible while it is folded as sometimes people are in a hurry but want to read something fast, which isn’t cut or continued on the other side of the fold. The four-row grid will allow the newspaper to be easier to read for those who just want to read the headings or those who are in a hurry. 
Newspaper layout

Newspaper layout

Redesigning the Kuwait Times newspaper layout and used colour coding.
